People can't find full list of offering products / services in printed visiting cards
Almost 80% of people never save contact number from the visiting cards
88% of the printed visiting cards go to the dustbin after 1st week
Customers can't find the visiting cards when they actually need it, 9 out of 10 times
Don't you think your printed visiting card expired in this competitive digital world ?
Digital vCards Sharing App.
Manage & Export all your
contacts from vCards app.
People can save all your contact
details in their phone address book
Using vCard, people can navigate
to your store with Google Maps.
Digital vCards app Customerscan
visit websites and social sites.
Your customers will reach you
by just one click on mobile
number from Digital vCards app
Your prospects and You both can
Whatsapp each other
without saving number!
and your customer will be
able to send you an Email
You can share your Digital vcards
via SMS with just one click.
If you meet your prospective customers in person (one to one meeting) or atleast you do telephonic conversations to market and sell your products or services, then our Digital Business Card will help convey your message in a more strategic way.